Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Many Lives, Many Masters - 1330 Words

Many Lives Many Masters Many Lives, Many Masters is a book about a psychologist Brian L. Weiss, who by helping his patient he helps himself as well. Through Catherine he learned that his conventional approach through the scientific method and medication was not the proper way to heal his patients. Catherine comes in with anxiety, panic attacks and phobias and wants a way out of it all. Dr. Weiss approaches the situation in a scientific manner as he does with all of his patients, he doesn’t get very far until he decided to use hypnosis. He would have liked to use medication but her fear of swallowing pills prevented that. During hypnosis she begins to remember her childhood but not this childhood her past life. At first Dr. Weiss is†¦show more content†¦The belief that there was past lives and knowledge obtained from each life was a great revelation. Then, the masters began to speak; this became a little far fetch for me. I’m not saying that Dr. Weiss didn’t hear these masters s peak but that he might have misinterpreted the message the masters are really trying to bring across. He was very naà ¯ve at the time, and began to learn about things beyond the scientific method and was not ready to learn so much information. I can not say with certainty that maybe later in his next books he learned the deeper meaning of the masters messages. I also think that when the masters spoke of the religious individuals â€Å"People of the religious orders have come closer than any of us because they’ve taken these vows of chastity and obedience.† reaching a higher plain much faster because of it. This was his way of somehow holding on to faith something he was taught growing up. Not all the book is full of weaknesses though, the stories that Catherine remembered from her past life regressions were I believe the strongest points in this book. She spoke of people in her past lives as though she knows them now or strangers. The idea that we decide to come back with certain people and that somehow we decide to meet again was the most fascinating. The same as in Mutant Message were Marlo learns that in a past life she made a promise with now one of the â€Å"Real People† that she would meet in fifty years. In addition, the masters speakShow MoreRelatedAntebellum Slavery And The American Revolution885 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican slavery was something that was not only mentally challenging, but it was physically demanding as well. Many slaves did not have the luxury of a â€Å"kind† master, and many were mistreatment from birth. Slaves fought masters, and master fought slaves without regard to the human condition. Antebellum slavery was different than past forms of American slavery, because slaves had gained a taste of the ideas that were spread from the American Revolution. 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