Friday, April 17, 2020

The Looking Glass free essay sample

I lay on a bed in darkness, silence, and exhaustive apprehension. Music began, lights slowly illuminated the black stage, and two friends prepared my â€Å"breakfast.† No longer themselves, but Ms. Todd and Laetitia, they discussed how to entice me to stay another week. Piano, voice, and scenery melted together and away at the same time, creating a new yet familiar world. Immersed in the music, anxiety and impatience grew – will I sing correctly? What are the words? How do I convey my message? Music whirled like an unruly wind as time progressed, leaving me behind. No longer myself, but instead a prop, I stopped, listened, and waited. â€Å"I shall take care of it with a good breakfast.† This movement is ending! Time had  ­inexplicably slipped away giving me only the briefest moment to prepare. What is my starting pitch? What homework is due tomorrow? Why am I tired †¦ stop! Breathe deeply, focus, concentrate. We will write a custom essay sample on The Looking Glass or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To sing well is to excel. As with other demanding passions, I must offer unwavering dedication and concentration, completely immerse myself in the moment, separate from distraction, and focus on precision, diction, and intonation. While I adhere to the strict aspects of my life, I do not underestimate the importance of an analytical approach. Singing is more than a pastime or something I do for enjoyment. It is a way of life – an expressive, deep outlet requiring intense study and control. It’s an artistic medium in which I can transcend time and space, enabling me to become what I choose: intensely passionate and whimsical, or melancholy and shy. Through music, I may pursue any emotion, achieve any height, and inhabit any place. The world extends beyond its normal boundaries and I am no longer a person but something far more – a singer. Lights focused around me; the song drew ever closer. â€Å"Ah †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Laetitia climbed the stairs while gracefully ascending to a high D. Here I go. Time to start. Support and  ­resonate. â€Å"Oh, good morning.†

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